Ocis Newsletter
The International Observatory on Social Cohesion and Inclusion (OCIS) is a laboratory of observation, analysis and reflection on the genesis, development and consolidation of social cohesion in contemporary social and political communities.
In addition, OCIS has its related newsletter, aimed at spreading scientific articles and informative reports, interviews, stories and voices of civil society, current news and important events related to social cohesion. A tool for sharing contents, ideas, purposes.
Latest from Super User
- International Observatory on Social Cohesion and Inclusion
- Future Perspectives in Home Care Services
- Innovative social and health care models for the elderly
- Dolibarr ERP/CRM devcamp in Italy for the first time
- SAVE THE DATE - Social Cohesion Days 2016
- SAVE THE DATE - Subsidiary Welfare for Social Cohesion
- Program | Social Cohesion Days 2016
- …Participating Members of Easy Care Foundation
- Social Cohesion Days
- Fare Insieme